Dear Rain,
Let me start this off by saying that I still love you. I love falling asleep to the sound of you, and I love the way you feel on a warm humid day. But lately, I feel as if you've been smothering me a little bit, and I think we need to take a break. You've been here for what seems like a whole weekend now, with no break in sight, and frankly it's getting a little…wet.
You're choking out the sunshine in my life, and it makes it harder and harder to get through my day. On those days when I know I should be doing my homework, you're so cold that all I want to do is stay in bed, hug my soft toys and eat something fattening, or curl into bed while you drone on and on. You make everyday tasks so incredibly difficult--just getting to and from school is a time-consuming challenge, what with everyone on the road suddenly going about 30/mph slower than normal, and driving all over the road. Is it because you like all the attention?
So listen. Let's just do a trial separation here. I think even a week of distance between us would do everyone a world of good. You could go, I don't know, find someone who will appreciate your unique talents a little more than me, like a farmer or someone, who could really use your attentions. Because honestly, I don't need you hanging around right now, making things a little greyer and damper than they strictly need to be. You can still come by from time to time, in fact I'd really like to see you on a less-intense basis. But for now, I have things to do, like hang out my laundry. Let's just end this as cordially as possible. Maybe we can talk sometime next week for a little while; just not that weekend, I'm going camping. And you're not invited. Sorry.